The craziest synchronicities have just taken place in my life—words can’t fully describe them, but I’ll try. Since the end of last year, ✨magick✨ has been all around me.
I’ve loved magick my entire life, yet at some point, I got caught in both societal norms and the patterns of my father wound. The need to work hard and create in a purely logical way became my driving force. That word—force—feels like the exact energy I started to adhere to. But little by little, as I evolved, my inner knowing grew stronger and stronger.
And then a miracle happened.
As I began to let go and surrender, my biological father appeared. After 41 years of not knowing him, I never thought this day would come. But then I saw him and he felt exactly like my dad.
Growing up without a father, you learn to push—to rely on structure, to root your safety in foundation, to force your way forward. You create patterns that keep you searching outside yourself, disconnected from your flow, not fully listening to your inner knowing.
But here’s the thing: I have been deeply intuitive my whole life. And yet, I feared it. I feared it so much that I blocked myself from truly receiving.
Then, on Friday/Saturday, the shift happened.
I felt my energy ✨—I felt the love I have always poured into others and for the first time, I experienced it fully within myself. It was the most beautiful energy I had ever felt—not in an egoic way, but from a deep, embodied understanding of my magick and how I weave it into the world. 🦋
I knew this was my year of miracles. I met my father on the second day of the year and let me just say—I love him. It feels surreal to love someone you’ve never met, but I do.
I had been talking to my best friend, Toni and as I shared my joy, she cried with me. She understood in a way only she could. We have always had a deep, intuitive connection, like sisters.
And then, something profound happened.
When I met my dad, I told her, “It’s funny—I see your dad in my dad.”
That’s the thing about Toni and me. We don’t need to explain things. We just know. ✨
We mirror each other in the most beautiful ways—our intuitive nature, our deep heart wisdom. Our friendship has always been that way, since day one. She has always reflected my love back to me, seen me without judgment and inspired me to live from my heart. Even in my darkest moments, she never tried to fix me. She simply sat with me in silence, holding space for my pain.
You see, I’m a deep feeler and sometimes words only complicate things. The words come after I’ve felt through an experience… but even then, I don’t always believe that words do justice to energy.
Lately, we’ve been in a bubble of dad energy and Toni has been encouraging me to fully receive my father’s love. I can be awkward with love—sometimes I don’t know how to let it in. But I listened to her guidance, knowing she was right: I deserve to feel this love.
We laughed as she joked, “Finally, one of my friends has a dad and now we can share in this experience!”
But the Universe had been weaving something far greater.
That same night, as I felt my pure energy of love, ✨ Toni’s father transitioned. ✨
With death, there is always rebirth.
It was as if the Universe had been conspiring all along. And then, something even more mind-blowing:
Toni asked me to calculate her father’s numerology, and the synchronicities left us in awe.
• Her dad is a 38/11.
• My dad is a 29/11.
• Toni is a 35/8.
• I am a 26/8.
There is no doubt in my soul that Toni and I—and even our fathers—have lived many lives together.
I have always loved Toni’s father and admired their relationship—something I had only ever dreamed of. And now, I am in deep gratitude as I realise: I have this opportunity with my own dad.
The miracles keep unfolding and it’s only February.
So many aha moments. So many realisations. But above all, a deep reverence for life and the unseen forces guiding us.
Biggest Hugs x